

If you ride this...

Drive this...

Skate on these...

...on campus, then I don't trust you. Just sayin'.

Side note:
This guy is REALLY into the Olympics.



Today I felt like this guy...

...until I hung out with this girl...

...and we played these games...

...and ate this...

Overall, a very productive day.


I hope I don't have Swine Flu

Fever? Kind of feels like it.
Stuffy'ish nose?

Keep your fingers crossed I don't have the flu of the swine.
And kid that keeps coughing all over the place in my Physical Geography class, stop spreading the wealth.



Sometimes when I'm bored, I do things like this:

Take pictures of creepy dolls.

Take pictures of signs/ads that I think are funny at the time, which turn out to be not so hilarious as I thought when I look back:

Take pictures of unsuspecting butt cracks, and my sister doing gangsta' poses:

And lastly, takes pictures of myself (alone, chalking someone's house, or what have you):


Bon-Bon Mc-gIVER

I am IN LOVE with Bon Iver right now (in case you haven't noticed, the title is a little nickname I have given him... although you could argue it's not a nickname since it's LONGER than his actual name).


What is also interesting to note, I have updated my blog TWICE TODAY. Gosh I need a life.

9 Reasons I was Excited for 9.

1. It had a trailer like this*

*I am not a fan of Coheed and Cambria (couldn't they have picked a less annoying song?).

2. It had amazing actors lending their voices to the characters (Elijah Wood, John C. Reilly, Christopher Plummer, Jennifer Connelly).

3. It had enemies like this

4. It had great animation.

5. It had a great plot.

6. It was not an overly done movie (meaning they didn't drag the plot or characterization to the point where you are pulling your hair out in frustration).

7. It is based off of a short film that is also terrific.

8. It was released on 9/9/09.

9. The guy who created the short film got to direct the movie, keeping it close to his original vision.

Overall, the movie was pretty good. It is definitely NOT my favorite film, but it didn't disappoint... which is good when movie ticket prices are $9.75 (wtf!).


A letter to YOU boy in my Philosophy class...

Dear (insert name I have not cared to investigate),
--I have sat behind you these first four weeks of school and I have some personal issues I think we need to discuss. First of all, you are intelligent. I get it, you are a Biology major going for goodness knows how many degrees. There is no need to model your intellectual skill to the class for 30 MINUTES during a discussion. I do not care how much you know about the "Big Bang Theory" or the characteristics of bacteria, nor do I care how cells asexually produce. This class is meant for Philosophical dialectic and investigation NOT scientific theories that you feel relevant to the topic, which I'm inclined to point out ARE NOT relevant at all... not even the tiniest bit.
--Secondly, I would like to point out that gloating incessantly during class about how lazy you can be in any class and still maintain a "4.0 Ave." (your abbreviation, not mine), does not shed you in a good light. We are not in High School anymore and being lazy is not something you should brag about. Being lazy is just that, being lazy.
--Next, please get a haircut. You don't know how many times I would have LOVED to be able to see the power point that hovers 20 feet above us, but sadly cannot due to your untamed mass of head hair. I understand that it must have taken years to grow out those luscious, golden locks of yours, but have some consideration for those that are stuck behind you. Do the world a service and cut that hair of yours.
--Now don't take my comments the wrong way. You seem like a nice enough boy, but please please PLEASE take this to consideration. If not, I guess I can always stage a boycott or start a petition... I will do what I must as you will do the same.

Thank you for your time,
Krista (i.e. girl that grunts loudly when you speak)


A Morning Full of "No Bueno's"

1. The Elevator not working before 8 AM and having to climb six flights of stairs because I have to be at the desk BY 8= no bueno.

2. The fact that those six flights of stairs are OUTSIDE and it is 100 degrees= no bueno.

3. Wearing a skirt that flutters in the wind whilst carrying a purse full of homework, so you shuffle things around so you can remain modest as well balanced= no bueno.

4. Praying that you don't sweat that much so that your hair remains manageable= no bueno.

So far, my day has been "fantastic".... and well, no bueno.

But on the plus side, I now have joined a car pool. At least it won't be as expensive to get here!
And I just realized how incredibly boring my posts have been lately... I will put up some pictures of SOMETHING stat.


A penny for MY thoughts.

Things I saw today that I want.

Materialistic... what a downer.

Anyways, I gave my cat a bath today and I have some brutal battle scratches going right now. Let's just say I have my share of Scoobie Doo band aids on.


Sorry to share sad news.


To sum it up, some teenagers in the UK thought it would funny to beat a dog who had escaped his house and got lost.

What kind of people live in this world these days???


Blast From the Past

And no, I'm not talking about that Brendan Frasier movie.

I'm talking about this!

Side note: If you can't tell, I'm the one in the middle with the dog.

It's funny how much changes from when you're a child. Like being more care free, how genuinely simple life was, wearing hideous clothes and not caring.

But at least I don't have my boy haircut anymore. Sheesh mom, what were you thinking?

Tri-Day Weekend

It's my last day of work finally and I have a three day weekend coming up.

Looking forward to Friday for this:
Saturday, I have this to forward to:And of course Sunday is reserved for the gospel.

Here's to hoping everyone has a fantastic weekend!


A bicycle made for ONE.

I have been juggling the idea of whether I want to purchase a bike or not for the past month or so and after much contemplation (slash trudging through the heat), I have decided it would be in my best interest. Plus, ASU has a way of making you feel less hip for not having one... I see girls riding around in their cute outfits on their cute bikes and I grow envious.

So here are some potentials I have searched for on the interweb.

I really want a cream colored or yellow one...

Also, I am a big fan of the metal saddlebag baskets.

i.e. the one attached to the back wheel.

Sigh... a girl can dream.


Welcome to PARKING HELL!

I have never run into any parking issues since attending ASU, but today was the day to turn every terrible parking nightmare I have heard into reality. My usual comfy, shaded, EXPENSIVE parking structure at the Fulton Lot greeted me this morning with this simple, but equally disturbing sign "No more tickets!" (I added the exclamation point... the sign was, in fact, NOT yelling at me; it was quite polite to be honest).
In my dismay, I tried to think of all the other places I could possibly sit my car for five hours w/o getting a ticket. Burger King? Zia? The dreaded student lots in China (they're not located there really, but they might as well be)???
I prepped myself for a long hike to work as I relentlessly drove around ASU hoping for a miracle... and then it came. The Rural parking lot was not only still open, they had the first level completely free and it is $4 dollars cheaper than Fulton!
You can imagine my excitement when I parked my sweet, blue baby into a shaded parking spot where it can rest and graze for the five hours I must be away doing the 9 to 5 (except not). I must say, the Rural parking lot is surprisingly comfortable. It may be a trek, but at least it was reliable in my time of need.

The Louis Vuitton of parking structures...

The China town knock off, but equally as good Rural parking structure...As you can see, don't judge a book by it's cover... or in my case, parking structures.


Bad News Bears

So my dad came up to me today and stated that he wishes to convert our spare room into an office and that he would appreciate it if I cleaned the room for him. It's a normal enough proposition, right?

Normally I would be compliant and help a brotha' out, but when your spare room looks like this...

You tend to rethink your options. Granted, most of this mess is mine okay, all of it but there is no way I will be able to clean this monster on my own. I was thinking of recruiting some choice and trustworthy help (i.e. the guys that do our front yard), but I not only do not have the funds for such labor but I also do not think the 'pops would be down with strangers in our home.
I was also pondering putting everything in the closet and just pretending I cleaned, but I know that one fateful day my father will decide he wants to use the closet for something industrious and I will be back to square one.

So it's back to contemplating and evaluating how long it will take me to clean this room... I say a month.

And a sad, sad month it will be...


Mamma needs a new haircut.

I decided last year to grow out my hair for a good cause (http://www.locksoflove.org/). I set the prospective date to November in order to allow my luscious locks to grow, but now I am regretting said decision. My hair is morphing into a rats nest of monstrous proportions.
If it were a marriage between two people's hair, it would be this...

Mishca Barton (post OC)

and Mary-Kate Olsen (minus the scary headband and kimono)

I'm so close to throwing in the towel and abandoning all hope...
But on the plus side, here is my light at the end of the tunnel.

Not Nicole Richie... the haircut. Just in case you were pondering what I meant by "light."
5 more months, patience, and a nice trim to the bangs and split ends should suffice until then. Sigh.


Nightmare on Cullumber St.

It is customary/habit for me to fall asleep with the T.V. on. Mostly because I need noise in order to catch my "z's." Why not music you say? Because music cannot make your dreams as interesting as the T.V. can.

But when you wake up to this...

And have dreams like this...

It makes you rethink your habit.
Therefore, music it is.