
A letter to YOU boy in my Philosophy class...

Dear (insert name I have not cared to investigate),
--I have sat behind you these first four weeks of school and I have some personal issues I think we need to discuss. First of all, you are intelligent. I get it, you are a Biology major going for goodness knows how many degrees. There is no need to model your intellectual skill to the class for 30 MINUTES during a discussion. I do not care how much you know about the "Big Bang Theory" or the characteristics of bacteria, nor do I care how cells asexually produce. This class is meant for Philosophical dialectic and investigation NOT scientific theories that you feel relevant to the topic, which I'm inclined to point out ARE NOT relevant at all... not even the tiniest bit.
--Secondly, I would like to point out that gloating incessantly during class about how lazy you can be in any class and still maintain a "4.0 Ave." (your abbreviation, not mine), does not shed you in a good light. We are not in High School anymore and being lazy is not something you should brag about. Being lazy is just that, being lazy.
--Next, please get a haircut. You don't know how many times I would have LOVED to be able to see the power point that hovers 20 feet above us, but sadly cannot due to your untamed mass of head hair. I understand that it must have taken years to grow out those luscious, golden locks of yours, but have some consideration for those that are stuck behind you. Do the world a service and cut that hair of yours.
--Now don't take my comments the wrong way. You seem like a nice enough boy, but please please PLEASE take this to consideration. If not, I guess I can always stage a boycott or start a petition... I will do what I must as you will do the same.

Thank you for your time,
Krista (i.e. girl that grunts loudly when you speak)

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