Normally I would be compliant and help a brotha' out, but when your spare room looks like this...
You tend to rethink your options. Granted, most of this mess is mine okay, all of it but there is no way I will be able to clean this monster on my own. I was thinking of recruiting some choice and trustworthy help (i.e. the guys that do our front yard), but I not only do not have the funds for such labor but I also do not think the 'pops would be down with strangers in our home.
I was also pondering putting everything in the closet and just pretending I cleaned, but I know that one fateful day my father will decide he wants to use the closet for something industrious and I will be back to square one.
So it's back to contemplating and evaluating how long it will take me to clean this room... I say a month.
And a sad, sad month it will be...
I concur... I haven't even started on it yet.
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