
I Have No Speculations

Since this is my first blog and I have nothing of relevance to say, I shall share some old pictures... Enjoy.
I used to go to College in Seattle so I thought I would put up a snid-bit of my Seattle experience. This is me and my roommate slash partner in crime by a very disappointing fountain in the downtown center. Bridget looks like she is enjoying herself, does she not? I look like I am quite the opposite, do I not? In case you are wondering, I am the one that is unenthusiastically clutching her bag and staring of in some unknown direction. What a charmer I am.

Another picture from Seattle that is unfortunately extremely blurry, but I am with the late Jimi Hendrix pretending to not be instrumentally challenged. Fun fact, there was blunt in his hand.

This picture is very old when the iphone was just making its debut. The Apple store put a large iphone on display... You're welcome.

Alyssia and myself in New Zealand pointing at levitating Hobbits (who can apparently stand on trees) and a giant kiwi, courtesy of Brad.


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