
You know what I hate?

I absolutely loathe those pill bottles that are "children proof", but are more like HUMAN proof. Is this some kind of sick, sardonic joke that someone is playing on society? "You have a headache eh? Well try and open this bottle of pills to relieve it, go ahead... try, I dare you... MUWAHAHAHA!" I have just successfully morphed an inanimate object into a villian. Seriously though, this bottle is taunting me.

On a lighter note... MIDNIGHT FOR DARK KNIGHT IS JUST HOURS AWAY! This movie will be AMAZING!


Trip with the Pops

I went on a vacay with mi padre about a month ago to Tahoe, Virginia City, and Las Vegas. These are some of the pictures from Virginia City...

In case you have not heard of Virginia City, Nevada it is a small colonial-esque town comfortably placed in the middle of nowhere, literally. Apparently it's a big tourist trap, and I was a tourist and trapped in every sense of the word. But for what its worth, Virginia City did manage to entertain us on our trip.

These are pictures from the cemetery in V.C. This was the oldest one I could find. Some guy thought that the symbol at the top was a hammer and sickle (which it clearly is not) and when I tried to explain to him that it is the Virginia City symbol, he got mad and actually told me I was stupid. That was the highlight of my trip.
V.C. cemetery view
For some reason, I took a picture of this sign and thought it was hilarious. In retrospect, its not...
A picture of my dads arms taking a picture.
They had these four leaf clovers painted everywhere for some reason, the foot is mine.
What a charming name for a Saloon.
Mark Twain Casino is surprisingly entertaining. There were a lot of crazies hanging out in there.
I don't know why I both took this picture and put it up... I lost those glasses on a river trip, BUMMER.
The CREEPIEST DOLL EVER! I swear to this day it moved when I was glancing at it.
This museum is of "Great Interest to Adults & Children". If its on a sign then its true.

Moving on....

These are some of my favorite videos/songs as of yet.

Bishop Allen- Click, Click, Click, Click

Drew Danburry- Red Rock Virgin's Encounter with Winter Nights

Spoon- I Turn My Camera On

Capgun Coup- A Liar In a Green Room in Memphis

Tilly and the Wall- Rainbows in the Dark

Architecture in Helsinki- Hold Music


How do you know?

Some more memories captured crappily via my camera phone, or sent to me from someone else's crappy camera phone. They are quality pictures.

Foot Note: The picture with the green balloons is from last years Monolith Festival, the creepy looking gingerbread man is from Disneyland, the picture of what looks like some drawings on a table is my interpretation of a man with a fu manchu and also a sword that was meant to stab Brad, there is a picture of a literal "gum wall" that resides in the lower depths of Pike in Seattle, and lastly a pretty awesome picture of snow on my old campus.

Oh, and fun/random fears that I discovered:

  • hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia-fear of long words
  • Illyngophobia- Fear of vertigo or feeling dizzy when looking down (reminded me of Arrested Development)
  • Ommetaphobia or Ommatophobia- Fear of eyes (if you know me, you know why I added this one)
  • Peladophobia- Fear of bald people
  • Phobophobia- Fear of phobias



Before I go to sleep I just want to express how badly I want to go to Monolith this year. In case you don't know what that is, it is an epic music festival at the Red Rocks Amphitheater in Colorado. Here is the line-up courtesy of homegrownmusic.net

Saturday, September 13
Silversun Pickups
Neko Case
Vampire Weekend
Mickey Avalon
Del tha Funky Homosapien
Cut Copy
The Fratellis
The Kills
Holy Fuck
White Denim
The Night Marchers
A Place to Bury Strangers
The Photo Atlas
The Hood Internet
John Vanderslice
Darker My Love
Cameron McGill & What Army
Blitzen Trapper
The Presets
Pop Levi
Pwrfl Power
The Morning Benders

Sunday, September 14
TV on the Radio
Band of Horses
Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings
The Avett Brothers
Tokyo Police Club
Dan Le Sac vs. Scroobius Pip
The Bronx
Tilly and the Wall
The Heavy
The Cribs
The Ting Tings
Airborne Toxic Event
Bright Channel
Chester French
Grampall Jookabox
The Rosewood Thieves
Hearts of Palm
The Giraffes
The Elms

Just for funzies, I have added a video that I made while distracting myself from a term paper. Don't ask why I made it, the randomness should be all the answer you need. It is a creepy sim that I made on AOL, and yes I am fully aware that he looks like a perv... that was the intention.

I Have No Speculations

Since this is my first blog and I have nothing of relevance to say, I shall share some old pictures... Enjoy.
I used to go to College in Seattle so I thought I would put up a snid-bit of my Seattle experience. This is me and my roommate slash partner in crime by a very disappointing fountain in the downtown center. Bridget looks like she is enjoying herself, does she not? I look like I am quite the opposite, do I not? In case you are wondering, I am the one that is unenthusiastically clutching her bag and staring of in some unknown direction. What a charmer I am.

Another picture from Seattle that is unfortunately extremely blurry, but I am with the late Jimi Hendrix pretending to not be instrumentally challenged. Fun fact, there was blunt in his hand.

This picture is very old when the iphone was just making its debut. The Apple store put a large iphone on display... You're welcome.

Alyssia and myself in New Zealand pointing at levitating Hobbits (who can apparently stand on trees) and a giant kiwi, courtesy of Brad.
