
New Pictures...




Some More Good Times


I stole some of these pictures from Allyssa and Bre's myspace... Thanks guys for allowing me to be a thief.

Here is the movie I wanted to put up from July at my Mom's House.



Self loathing...

I hate my computer class... for realzies. We have these assignments due every week that make me want to take a machete to my computer. Eh, ONE MORE MONTH.



Latest Discoveries...


Foals- Astronauts & All
Video courtesy of jonnydebonair on youtube.

Blue Foundation- Eyes On Fire

MGMT- Kids
Not very good quality, not to mention its a collection from different videos, but FANTASTIC song.

Other than that, absolutely nothing has happened. I was sick for four days, went to my friends pre-mish party, and have been spending 24/7 with my bestie Allyssa... dull, dull, DULL.


So, I got a new job...

It's actually not that new... I just haven't written in a while. Anywho, I work at the PoliSci office at my college and I get asked about 20 times a day IF I am voting and which candidate I prefer. I have officially developed this habit where I tell them not only do I NOT prefer either one of the candidates, but I am not registered so I cannot vote. The look on their faces is PRICELESS...

Its election day, and I am following the polls carefully... I wish they had awesome superbowl'esque commercials during the election, that way I wouldn't have to sit through five minutes of complete boredom. Add an element of ridiculousness in there for gosh sake.

Anyways, I still cannot for the life of me figure out how to get those pictures up onto my blog so I might have to make a whole new slide show which is a pain in my arse because those took me long enough to complete, and I already posted SOME of the pictures so I guess I can make a watered down version of the original... but like Loreal says, its worth it.

On a even more random note... I loathe guys that wear pink shirts to make a statement. I get it, you are comfortable with your sexual orientation, is the shirt necessary to broadcast this? I'm only saying this because the annoying kid in my English class decided to be "brave" and wear a pink shirt to class... and decided to be even more "brave" and tell everyone in the class that he is wearing the stupid shirt to make a statement. All I could think of was how incredibly lame this guy is. And it is true, this kid is the epitome of lametron.

I cannot wait for this movie!

Yes, I am a Twilight nerd, and I have no shame.

I bid you farewell.